Action Plan

As Asifiwe, we desire to be an avenue of God’s love to all the children of Africa.

We hope to bring many more children out of poverty and hopelessness and into the dignified life that is a result of the transforming work of Christ’s love.

The children of Uganda were born in hope, but grow up through many disadvantages due to war, sickness, terror, poverty and abandonment. They live day by day, seeking what they can to survive without hope for the future. We believe Asifiwe Child Care can be part of the solution for some of these African problems, by restoring hope and rebuilding lives through providing a loving family, an education with academic and practical life skills, medical care and spiritual and emotional support. By doing this we believe we can raise up men and women who will change their society.

Target Groups

Our main target group is orphaned children and vulnerable children who have no responsible adult to care for them. We take in children from the ages 0 to 14 years. We create a home environment where these children can be loved and cared for consistently. In doing this, we hope to raise up children who are a blessing, instead of a burden, to society.

Another target group is the vulnerable women, such as widows and single mothers. We will train these women with the necessary skills that will help them provide for their children. After we train these women, we will place them in the home to care for our children as a mother, along with two of their own children, whith a total of 8 children in a house.

Procedure of Caring for the Child

Asifiwe cares for the children within their communities because we believe that a child should be part of the community development. When they transition out of the child care, they are able to go back into their home areas and be productive members of the society that make a difference. Thus Asifiwe does not separate the child from their community.

1. Identification of the Child

We identify the child through a government probation officer and our social workers, with the help of guardians, police, local community leaders and church and health workers. Some of these children are found on the streets or garbage pits, left in hospitals or their parents have died.

2. Survey of the Child

After the child has been identified by any of the above people, we must conduct a thorough research on the background of the child. The research will include finding out if the child has any living relatives, where they are, why they are not able to care for them, etc. If we are able to find the parents, we can help resettle them with their parents. If we are unable to locate their parents, we will bring them into the Asifiwe Child Care program.

3. Care for the Child

After the identification and survey of the child, we bring them into the home, and give them a mother and 7 siblings. Once they are in the home, we provide food, clothing, medical care, and education, counselling and spiritual mentor-ship, all through sponsorship. As they are living in the home, we will seek to discover their God given talents and abilities and do all we can to develop them to their fullest potential.

4. Length of Stay

The child stays with us until they finish their education. We educate the child from pre-primary up to post-secondary school. After they finish secondary school, we send them out to a post-secondary institution such as a university or technical training school. After the child finishes their education, we help to resettle them according to their qualifications and skills. After the resettlement, that child will be replaced in the house with another needy child. In the future, we hope to have our own primary and secondary schools for our children to attend.
• In the case that we are able to locate a child’s biological parents and they are willing to care for them, we will transition the child and resettle them with their families, regardless of their age or educational level.

To read more about our strategy of implementing this plan, click here.