Asifiwe Child
Your sponsorship of a boy or girl helps us to provide personal care which includes food, clothing, home care, medical care, spiritual care and education.
$35 USD per month
$420 USD per year
Your sponsorship of a boy or girl helps us to provide personal care which includes food, clothing, home care, medical care, spiritual care and education.
$35 USD per month
$420 USD per year
Your sponsorship of a child who has physical or learning disabilities helps to give them the additional medical and educational care that they need.
$45 USD per month
$540 USD per year
Your sponsorship of a house mother helps to provide for her personal needs as she cares for the children in the home. We are also able to giver her an allowance so she is able to care for her own family.
$100 USD per month
$1200 USD per year
By sponsoring a family, you can help us to create a loving home environment for each child. You can do this as an individual, a team, group, church and as an organisation.
$1,000 USD per month
$12,000 per year
To begin sponsoring a life with Asifiwe Child Care, please email us today at
When you decide to Sponsor a Life, you are partnering with Asifiwe in restoring hope and rebuilding lives of Africa’s most vulnerable children.
For more information about Sponsorship, visit the Sponsorship Information page.
With Asifiwe you can save a life, change a story and bring hope.
Thank You!